Friday, October 29, 2004

We've moved.

Well, we moved from the hotel, it was costing too much, and found a furnished apartment for a lot less. For those interested, we at
7777 Greenbriar
Apt 1012
Houston, TX
(713) 795-4327

We actually have a living room, kitchen, laundry room, dining room, large bath, and the bedroom has a walk in closet bigger then our bathroom at home. Nice to have a "real" place to stay until the free apartment becomes available. (We're still on the list, "it shouldn't be too much longer" is all management can tell us.) Our shuttle stop is a few blocks away, but we're still close to all the shopping we'll need, we even still have a Kroger here, and can get bottled water (my doctor does NOT want me drinking unfiltered tap water, it's so bad here) for .29/gal if we bring our own bottle.

Appt. Monday with oncologist, we find out then if we start a chemo regimen or go directly to bone marrow transplantation. Another case of "hurry up and wait."

We tried to get Ryan and Christy to just put Trevor on a plane to Houston while they were in Yosemitie, but they already have him booked. Darn!

We'll try to let you know as soon as the results are in Monday, we've only found 2 machines open to the public here. I guess they're hiding the rest.

Dad and Terri

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day before we leave

Wow for a little boy he needs a whole lot of stuff. I think we almost have everything under control. For those who don’t know, we are going to California to visit some friends. We will be in Yosemite the firs weekend, we will hit Russian River Valley for wine tasting, and be with friends the rest of the week.
Christy is a born packer and does a great job getting everything together. I have learned to just stay out of the way. Well not too much to say. I have a picture from a couple days ago after Christy worked 24hours with only about 3 hours of sleep the night before. Just give her the baby and a bed and she is happy. I am sure I will be updating the blog while I am out in California. I think they have internet access there


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Rough day for Trevor

For those who didn’t know Trevor was diagnosed with hydronephrosis (enlarged kidneys) even before he was born. This is not that uncommon to see in boys, and normally fixes itself within the first month outside of mom. When Trevor was 1 month old he had an ultrasound done, and it still showed his left kidney was slightly enlarged. So we had to go to the doctor today to have a VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram). Basically they put a tiny catheter in his penis and into his bladder. They fill his bladder with an agent that shows up on X-ray and they see if urine is leaving the bladder and going back up to the kidneys. Trevor was very brave, and did a much better job than I would have done. The test ruled out the two major bad causes and everything looked normal. He might just be made with one kidney larger than the other. We have to follow up with the pediatrician to see what he says to do.
Well we are getting ready for our first big trip with Trevor this Friday. We are going out to California to see friends from Stanford and my old job. It should be a great time. It will be fun to see how well we do with Trevor on a nice long trip.

These are pictures taken with my phone so they are not great.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Very interesting 

Take a look at this and tell me what you think. I sent this to some, but not to all. I find it interesting.

Not much else to comment on.


Monday, October 25, 2004


Blood work is in, blasts are still growing in percentage, but absolute count is down. Creatinine is also a concern, so I get a bag of water tomorrow, and more water instead of tea during the day.
WBC 2.8 L K/UL
Blast percent 18%
Creatinine 1.7 H MG/DL

Still waiting for Tom and Dad to get their kits to return.
Blood work Wednesday, more when I hear the results.

Dad and Terri
PS Did Galveston Saturday, fed the sea gulls some bread we had left over from Salt Grass Steak House, my reward was a sea gull crapping on my hat. Just another instance of "No good deed ever goes unpunished."

Friday, October 22, 2004

Friday Oct 22

Got blood work results, my blasts are up, but still 87% lower than when I left St. Louis. I'm a little high on Phosporous, so I'll stop chewing on railroad flares. The important counts are:
WBC 2.5 L M/UL
RBC 2.47 L M/UL
Hemoglobin 8.0
Hematocrit 21.5
Platelets 96 L K/UL
Neutrophil % 71% (Good Guys)
Blast Percent 13% (Bad Guys)

If anyone wants any other info, I have lots of other numbers that don't mean much to me, but they're still there.

We have today off, found that Blue Cross will pay for the tests of Tom and Dan, so the kits are on their way. (Had they not paid, it would have cost us $5K apiece for the tests.)

Supposed to be T-Boomers this weekend, but we may still had to the gulf, it's only a few miles down the road. I may be a good chance to get away from the hotel and hospital even if it's raining.

Doing well, graduated to a cane instead of the walker. I'm much faster with it.

We'll keep you advised of any news, off to the hospital cafeteria for some really good food. (Right!!!)

Dad and Terri

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Little parts that Dad loves

Sometimes you have to sit back and enjoy the little things that makes my boy so great.


Info on Bone Morrow Transplant

I know it has been a while since my last post. It has been a long couple of days. Trevor has kept us on our toes, and just a lot of things happening all at once around here. Christy came across this article on Bone Marrow Transplant and I thought all of you would enjoy it. It just show you kind of what to expect, and what Dad will possibly go through. The way it looks it will be even harder then the chemo process. This is not a fun one at all, but it could be the life saver. We dont know if this is for sure what Dad is going to do, but I thought it was good info.


Monday, October 18, 2004

Anyone got a match?

Sorry, I keep forgetting to check the comments. Good thing I have Ryan watching out for me, copying the comments and e-mailing them to me at work. Yeah Ryan, like you have nothing better to do. Thanks!
As far as the bone marrow match, the last I spoke with dad they were going to attempt to mail a test kit to Danny and Tommy to see if they were a match. Sorry Aunts, unfortunately no matches among the sisters but I think dad said that Maggie and Carol? matched each other. GO FIGURE! Let's keep those prayers strong, I guess the next task is finding a bone marrow match for my pop-a-mist.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

In case you didnt have enough to do

Well just to add more stuff for you guys to look at. Christy and I just got new phones, and now we can send pictures to a website for all to see.

Honestly I have to say I love the internet. All this stuff for free and very easy to do.

So how do you see the Moblog (mobile web log)???????

If you look to the right you should see a section called links. Under that just click on Ryan and Christy Mobile Log. You are set. I hope to update that often as well. I just need to figure out how to use my phone. :)

Thanks for looking


Friday, October 15, 2004

HMM what to write

Not a very eventful Friday. Christy is working today, so it is Trevor and I partying like rock stars all day. We went up to the hospital 2 times today so Christy could feed the little guy.
I did have the pleasure of cleaning out Dad's email account today. I accidentally downloaded all of his mail, in my inbox, so I had to go through all 1200 messages to forward on the 4 that he really needed. If you only read .3% of your email because spam/junk email takes up the rest. I think it is time to get a new email address. HINT HINT Dad.

Well I better wrap this up. Sorry not to much to say. Dad and Terri are waiting to hear from the doctors on Monday on all the options Dad has. <==Is that even a sentence. Probably not, but Trevor is getting pretty cranky, so I am done. Here is a little photo of the fun. :)


Comments from dad

Everyone make sure you check the comments to see updates from Dad. I am going to try and get him on the system so get can post directly. Here is the latest.

If anyone is in the Houston area, be sure to call Meghan for recomendations; the "New York Pizzaria" was absolutely fabulous, had their New York Special, pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, garlic, and Canadian bacon. Wow!
We're at hospital now for additional tests to see a little more.
It's strange being the only two people cheering on the Cardinals down here; everyone acts like the Astros have a chance. Oh, wait; Roger Clemens is pitching tonight. Ouch! Matt Morris did exactly what I thought he would when he pitched, he allowed three runs. When he's on he's on, when he's not, I could pitch better, and I can only throw 47 mph.More as we hear it,Dad and Terri

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Address & Antibiotics

Talked to dad tonight. I guess the pizza place from the other night was pretty good. Now everyone can find it.
Dad's doing well. The doctor took a look at his antibiotics and took him off of one, two...all of them, not even neutropenic anymore! He's had a few apples in the past couple of days and can actually taste them!
Next step? Find a bone marrow match. Sounds like kids are very unlikely to be a match but of course we'd all love to try.
Here's some contact info for dad if you want to try and get ahold of him in the hospital or send anything.
Terry Morgan
c/o Park Plaza Hotel
8686 Kirby
Room 5102
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 748-3221

I doubt I ever sent out an official e-mail with my new address and number so the info for the new house:
Meghan Morgan
2382 S Milton Ave
St. Louis, MO 63114
(314) 423-4222


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Pizza Pizza

Just got off the phone with Dad on his way to Pizza Hut. Felt like eating in a Pizza Hut tonight. When they got there...oops, delivery only and the directions to another location in Spanish from the Pizza Hut employee didn't help much. Good thing I'm still at work and had my laptop up. Pulled up Microsoft Streets and Trips (dad taught me how to do that when I was driving into downtown Chicago for my first SBC training and got completely lost. He pulled out his laptop in his truck at one of his stops and navigated me to the hotel door.)
This search for Pizza wasn't too tough, show Pizza places in Houston. Let us know how the New York Pizzeria was at 2250 W Holcombe Blvd Houston, TX 77030! At least you made it after turning left into the place from the middle lane.... AHHHH You would have given her a ticket.

News From Dad

Just finished with doctor, she said blasts (bad, bad cells) are at 6%, so I have an appointment tomorrow at 10AM with transplant doctor. Doc's idea is since blasts are so low, maybe bone marrow transplant may work. She also has idea that Mylotarg has been effective to this point, and may work if transplant can't be done yet. She will either do Mylotarg or put me in one of the studies. This is pretty awesome news, we're cautiously optomistic about the outcome, and we're both in a good state of shock. We'll keep you informed.
Dad and Terri

Comment by Dad if you missed it

Writing from University of Texas in Houston; wow is this place ever big. The MD Anderson Cancer Hospital has 3,000 employees in the leukemia section alone. I'm doing find, just had blood work taken for analysis, see the doctor at 1PM today. We're both doing fine, the hotel provides a shuttle to the hospital every hour on the half, and the University of Texas Police Department has a shuttle if you're out too late for the hotel.

We'll be sure to let everyone know what the doctor says as soon as we find out. We've got a page full of questions to ask her, Estella Farajoli. (She is the associate professor of medicine, and her specialty is AML!)

Off for a quick lunch then to see the doc, we've got our fingers crossed.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Late Tuesday

Well I am trying to go to bed, but Trevor has the hiccups and is wide awake. Oh well, it gives me time to write about the day. Talked with Dad and he is doing well. Today is his day off, and he talks to the doctors tomorrow to see if he is a good candidate for a study.
Yesterday is when they did all the tests on him. They started at 7AM and he went back to the hotel at 10PM. Wow what a long day! He had a bone marrow biopsy, which is where they take a small piece of bone and marrow from his hip so they can look at the cells and see what is happening. This is done just as a test, and they are not transplanting or medicating him in any way. It is normally a pretty painful process, like the first one he had at in St. Louis a couple months ago, but he said this procedure wasn’t too bad at all. They really numbed him up, which was nice. He is in great spirits, and we will find out more things tomorrow.

Wow Trevor is already asleep, if only I didn’t have to move him :(


Monday, October 11, 2004

Fun Monday

Well Trevor is going through a bit of a growth spurt. At least that is what we are hoping because he has been pretty fussy these past couple of days. He is now waking up every 2-3 hours at night, unlike the 4-6 we were getting used to.

There is nothing better then fun time with the dogs early in the morning. I let the dogs out at their normal 7:00AM time, and after about 20 minutes of them wrestling in the yard, it is time for them to come back inside. So I let the 2 dogs in and walk upstairs, only to notice a very familiar yet unpleasant scent. I look around and the Sonoma coming running up to me covered in dog poo. For some reason this morning in her daily romp, she failed to realize she was rolling around in her own feces. If you must know, giving a dog a bath at 7:30 is not the most fun.

Trevor and I had our own fun today as well, as you can see from the pictures below. He actually likes the bath a fair amount. Just as long as I keep him nice and warm, he can sit in there for a while. Also I need to be on my toes and ready for any extra liquids shooting up in the air. So far so good, I have pretty good reactions.

I heard from Dad on Sunday night after he just finished a large steak dinner, and was sitting out by the pool with Terri. As you can tell he is feeling pretty good. He had a bone marrow biopsy today, and I hope to hear something tomorrow. As soon as I do, I will let you know.


Thursday, October 07, 2004

Dad's taking a trip

Well Dad was selected as a preliminary candidate for 1 or more studies down in Houston Texas. It is going to be a long trip down there due to the fact his doctors will not let him fly. I believe they will leave on Friday 10-8.
Basically he will meet with a doctor on Monday and they will get more tests from him to see if he is a good candidate. It will take until Wednesday to see if he will fit into one of their programs. If he is selected they have a tough decision on their shoulders. Basically he would stay down in Texas for 4-6 weeks. He will not have any contact with anyone other then doctors or nurses during that time. Terri can see him from behind a glass wall, but that is all the contact she or anyone else can have. Since it is a study they need to make sure it is controlled, and no outside factors come into play.
So we will have to wait and see how things go. Once I hear more I will let you know.

Today was the fist time Dad and Trevor we by ourselves for 24 hours. So far so good, but the night time is the most fun. :) I am sure we will be fine.


This little guy can’t cause that many problems.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Dad back in the hospital......

Well Dad ended up going back into the hospital at 10PM last night. Terri noticed that he was slurring a little bit, and with the blood results she received earlier that day realized that he needed a blood transfusion. According to the doctor on call he should go right then, and probably should not wait until Morning.

So he was up in his room on the 7th floor at about 1AM and when I talked to Terri this morning he was getting his second unit of blood, and feeling MUCH better. They were expecting him to go home today. If that changes I will let you know.


Monday, October 04, 2004

Trevor AKA T-Bone

He kind of looks like a T-Bone doesnt he?? :)

Trevor and Grandpa

Already following in Mom's footsteps

The shirt fits him so well

Just Trying this out

I'm doing a test run for Ryan to see if this works. I'm at work with 500 files on my desk right now. Here's my first blog.

Over the Weekend

What a great weekend. Jeff and Brenna came in town and we had a huge Thanksgiving dinner with Dad and Terri, Joyce and Howard (Terri’s parents), Jeff and Brenna, Meghan, Christy Trevor and Myself. He was in great spirits and what had sooooo much food.

Christy and I decided to continue with the 1 year tradition of the Fried Turkey, and if you haven’t had it, then you need to. So juicy, and so delicious!! We made 2, one regular and 1 with a Cajun rub and Cajun butter injection. I think the Cajun was the favorite.

Terri's Mom, Joyce, was a maniac in the kitchen as she prepared just about everything other then the turkeys. Everything was great.

Update on Dad

For those who don’t know, Dad did go home last Thursday 9/23. He is much happier at home where he can sit back and relax on his own couch, and have Peter lick his face. What could be better? Everyday he gets a little stronger, and eats normal food from time to time. He mostly drinks ensure, which gives him the same amount of nutrition eating regular food would. Probably a lot better for him then a quarter pounder with cheese.

I have heard some rumors about Dad and Terri checking out some possible leukemia study down in Texas, but I don’t know all the details. I believe they are waiting to see if he is a good match for the study. I will keep you informed as soon as I hear stuff.


Sunday, October 03, 2004

New to Blogging

Well for the longest time I thought blogging was kinda dumb, but I think this could be a good place to keep everyone up to date on what is happening with Dad, and little Trevor. Check back aften and I hope to write often. I belive you can leave comments as well, so let me know if I need more or less info.