Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Info on Bone Morrow Transplant

I know it has been a while since my last post. It has been a long couple of days. Trevor has kept us on our toes, and just a lot of things happening all at once around here. Christy came across this article on Bone Marrow Transplant and I thought all of you would enjoy it. It just show you kind of what to expect, and what Dad will possibly go through. The way it looks it will be even harder then the chemo process. This is not a fun one at all, but it could be the life saver. We dont know if this is for sure what Dad is going to do, but I thought it was good info.




At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will he be allowed to be monitored in St. l or will he be in texas for months? just curious...connie

OH, I love the little parts...pix are great. C

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Dad said...

Everyone has told me that this is one tough fight, and although I'm not looking forward to the side effects of the transplant, it's all part of the fight. Thanks, Christy, for posting all the information. My BMT doctor is head of the department here, and a professor of medicine. So far, I've been assigned doctors who have pretty good credentials.

Dad and Terri

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Dad said...

Great little parts, I love the photography! As for Connnie's post, if anyone is a match, they would do another series of test in their own home area.

Dad and Terri.

PS Saw some AWESOME photographs where a matte black cloth was used for the background, neat results.


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