Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Rough day for Trevor

For those who didn’t know Trevor was diagnosed with hydronephrosis (enlarged kidneys) even before he was born. This is not that uncommon to see in boys, and normally fixes itself within the first month outside of mom. When Trevor was 1 month old he had an ultrasound done, and it still showed his left kidney was slightly enlarged. So we had to go to the doctor today to have a VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram). Basically they put a tiny catheter in his penis and into his bladder. They fill his bladder with an agent that shows up on X-ray and they see if urine is leaving the bladder and going back up to the kidneys. Trevor was very brave, and did a much better job than I would have done. The test ruled out the two major bad causes and everything looked normal. He might just be made with one kidney larger than the other. We have to follow up with the pediatrician to see what he says to do.
Well we are getting ready for our first big trip with Trevor this Friday. We are going out to California to see friends from Stanford and my old job. It should be a great time. It will be fun to see how well we do with Trevor on a nice long trip.

These are pictures taken with my phone so they are not great.



At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie had this test done when she was 2, there is a check valve between the kidneys and the bladder that's a little loose in both my kids, guess it's my fault, huh, Enjoy the trip, My advice is to take a water bottle and make sure he's sucking while taking off and landing...keeps ears clear and babies from whaling in pain. and keep s your fellow passengers happy... Connie

Oh, and the post office will call when the package arrives, it's great to live in a small town.

At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie had this test done when she was 2, there is a check valve between the kidneys and the bladder that's a little loose in both my kids, guess it's my fault, huh, Enjoy the trip, My advice is to take a water bottle and make sure he's sucking while taking off and landing...keeps ears clear and babies from whaling in pain. and keep s your fellow passengers happy... Connie

Oh, and the post office will call when the package arrives, it's great to live in a small town.

At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie had this test done when she was 2, there is a check valve between the kidneys and the bladder that's a little loose in both my kids, guess it's my fault, huh, Enjoy the trip, My advice is to take a water bottle and make sure he's sucking while taking off and landing...keeps ears clear and babies from whaling in pain. and keep s your fellow passengers happy... Connie

Oh, and the post office will call when the package arrives, it's great to live in a small town.


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