Thursday, October 07, 2004

Dad's taking a trip

Well Dad was selected as a preliminary candidate for 1 or more studies down in Houston Texas. It is going to be a long trip down there due to the fact his doctors will not let him fly. I believe they will leave on Friday 10-8.
Basically he will meet with a doctor on Monday and they will get more tests from him to see if he is a good candidate. It will take until Wednesday to see if he will fit into one of their programs. If he is selected they have a tough decision on their shoulders. Basically he would stay down in Texas for 4-6 weeks. He will not have any contact with anyone other then doctors or nurses during that time. Terri can see him from behind a glass wall, but that is all the contact she or anyone else can have. Since it is a study they need to make sure it is controlled, and no outside factors come into play.
So we will have to wait and see how things go. Once I hear more I will let you know.

Today was the fist time Dad and Trevor we by ourselves for 24 hours. So far so good, but the night time is the most fun. :) I am sure we will be fine.


This little guy can’t cause that many problems.


At 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know....I like being able to sleep, but I realllly miss those days, hold on to them, they slip away in no time..have fun, Connie


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