Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Morgan Family

Dad's hospital room 314-747-5933

Quick update. Dad's room changed to 5933. He still has the view he likes of downtown Central West End but this way he is closer to the nurses' station. Forgot to include last night that Dad fell at the house (last week/weekend, something like that). As dad described, "took a header into the shower wall" he has a "bump" on his head and a LARGE bruise on his side. Nurse/PhD said he's never seen a bruise that bad. What's weird is Dad also just said he fell on the opposite side of where the bruise is. I don't know how that's possible, maybe sleeping on the other side and the blood draining? That's the first I've heard of it so haven't talked to Terri or nurse/doctor about it yet. Lung scan and cat scan came back clear. Terri said that they do not think it's pneumonia as Dad's been on anti-pneumonia medicine since leaving the hospital the last time so it's more unlikely that other R...thing. AGAIN...Dad likes phone calls and cards and all that fun stuff. No fun being in the hospital again for X-mas and Terri's still needing to sleep at home until she starts feeling a little better so give him a shout. I'm heading that way after work. I'll update again if anything big changed. Thoughts and prayers for pops...


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