Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I just got off the phone with Terri. Terri let me know that Dad has been admitted to the hospital again. He's had a pretty bad cough for a week or so and the PhD/Nurse heard something different in his lungs this time so admitted him. They think he may have pneumonia. She said they don't know for sure but think it's either PCP pneumonia or RSV. They're doing a culture to try and determine what type he has. I'll share more news as I hear it but thought I'd get this on the blog for those who check it frequently. Terri was able to tell me that they think Dad will be out in about 3 days or so, and that all his other "numbers" look good. Terri has a pretty bad cold herself so will be sleeping at home to try and get better and at work during the day. I'm sure Dad would love phone calls during the day while Terri's at work. He is at Barnes again in St. Louis and his room telephone number is 314-747-5925.
As always thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. I'll update when I have more news.


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