Update 2/28/05
Besides having horrible weather, it's 60 and clear, I have good news and better news. The good news is that having seen the doctor, Ferrajoli, today, my counts are good, the bad numbers remain low and the good numbers remain high.
The better news is that I've been accepted in a phase I study today, sponsored by the company that produces the drug, it's:
Phase I Clinical Trial of Oral Suberoylanilide Hydromaxic Acid (SAHA) In Patients with Advanced Leukemias or Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Christy is already looking into trying to translate the Clinical Trial into English, I'm sure she will post a translation shortly.
I start the study Wednesday, depending on a bone marrow biopsy and a chest x-ray and ekg, both of which I have had here before with good results. The trial has a 20% chance of pushing me totally into remission. Considering Mylotarg had only a 10% chanceof success, and I had only a 2% chance of surviving my V.O.D., I"m pretty happy with the anticipated results.
We travelled to Terri's mom and dad the weekend of the 17th, and had a good time. I was able to drive 3 1/2 hours down and about 4 hours back. It was tricky at first but gave Terri a good break on the 11 1/2 hour drive.
I'll try to post more often, more as results become available.
Chris and Terri