Thursday, December 09, 2004

Started a 66% Mylotarg Wednesday, normal results until Sunday with swelling of spleen and liver. Ultra-sound shows reversal of splenatic artery and vein functions with increased edema. Parocentesis was expected to remove 50ml "fluid" for ananlysis. We were able to remove just over 4L of juices. I may never look at Clamato Juice the same way again.
It's now Thursday, my liver has taken on a little more edema, but the counts are down, on the low side of what the doctor want. Hi suggesttion is that the "problem" will spontaneously reduce, so we're just enjoying the 80 degree weather and 21% humidity. Terri's mom, Joyce flew in so they've getting a few of the essestials needed for everyday living.
It seems I no longer have Mylotarg on my list of availables, but Dr. Ferrajeloli still has several testing options available.

More later as we know them, keep the thoughts coming our way.

Chris and Terri


At 4:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning Chris and Terri,
We're glad you're enjoying the's much easier to feel healthy when you don't have to worry about snow and slush. It snowed in our honor for our trip to Mn. for Thanksgiving...we remember why we don't live there... Love, jk

At 1:07 AM, Blogger Meghan said...

Dad and/or Terri,
Any word yet on the blood tests? I thought we were suppossed to receive them soon after December 2nd. Please let us know what we can do to help. If there's someone who we can call or write to or harrass, whatever. How can we get some urgency with these doctors or these insurance folks to get them moving?
We'll keep praying, we LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH!


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